Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Dismal Thought

The coolest star, the sun is showering its light, the scorching heat, the sweat tripping off the face and you feel like jumping off the cliff into the river in order to quench the thirst of your impoverished body and suddenly you hear the clouds bellowing. The rumbling dark clouds rubbing against each other producing some light effects and igniting hope in the heart of that destitute and frail body that it will rain and cool down the burning skin.

The ever thinking mind of the human contemplates that it will rain sooner than ever. At the hind of his brain, a thought germinates, a vague picture appears and a question arises from nowhere, that will it rain…will it rain today? A timid contrast plays on in his mind, at one end there is hope, at another, dubiousness. This dilemma makes him forget the miseries he is suffering from and harnesses the new thought which is at the other end of his brain. The boisterous clouds don’t perturb him now as he is not thinking about the clouds, the sky or the sun. His mind is sifting through the two phenomenons of hope and doubt. The two ends set out on war against each other, the war between hope and doubt initiates with a raging thunder louder than that in the sky.

In the sun, the rickshaw that he is pulling or the boot he is polishing or the cattle he is walking or the charcoal he is laying on the road, he forgets it all…he forgets all his work as the two ends meet up in his mind. Entrapped in this mind game, he can’t think of anything, a helpless creature he becomes.

As he is dissolved in his work and the mind game, a small drop of water falls on his face, it drizzles and he is startled. Suddenly the war between the two ends ceases to exist. He looks up towards the sky to feel the benign drops of rain touching his face giving him the solace he wanted all these days. The rain ends the incineration that his body was suffering from long. It ends the war in his mind, between hope and doubt.

Hope is the phenomenon which gets the human going when he is down on his knees, hope gets him towards the shore and hope gets him to his destiny. Sometimes it’s the other phenomenon which makes him forget about his problems for a while but in the end its hope that gets him through. Never lose it.