Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Killed

The deadly terrorist and the head of the most dangerous terrorist outfit- Al-Qaeda was gunned down by American forces on Sunday(May 1,2011) night.
Bin Laden was on the top of America’s most wanted list for almost 10years after the twin tower tragedy which killed thousands of people.
Osama was killed in a town near Islamabad in Pakistan where he was hiding in a compound. The operation was given a green signal by Barack Obama on Friday and the CIA led team accomplished its mission on Sunday night.
Obama confirmed the death of bin Laden in a video and praised the efforts of CIA and American forces. Obama confirmed that they have the body of Bin Laden with them.
It is certainly a moment of joy and elation for the people of America(and world) as the man(terrorist) responsible for their deadliest nightmares is now dead. 

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